
It seems Liz Wheeler created a garbage video that seems to be spreading like wildfire. So here’s a rapid fire response:

“Fauci said that the COVID-19 case fatality rates was 3.6%. That turned out to be a lie. The actual fatality rate of the virus is probably less than 1%.”

“Fauci also said, ‘masks don’t work, so please don’t buy them,’ he told us. This is actually probably true of cloth masks, but Fauci later admitted he lied to us to manipulate us into not buying masks so that there wouldn’t be a shortage for health care workers.”

  • March, 2020. 60 Minutes. Fauci said “masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else.” But he added that face masks generally do not provide the “perfect protection” from getting infected “that people think” and so “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”
  • These comments matched the CDC Guidelines at the time, based on the best information that we had. But I don’t need to rehash this because it’s been covered many (1), many (2), many (3-July), many (3-Dec) times before.

But seriously, there’s no reason for me to reinvent the wheel here. Check out the fine work they do over at FactCheck.Org. They have a COVID Specific Page, with citations – which is something those Facebook Forwards and internet hacks always seem to be lacking.

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